If you experience any difficulties filling out this application, please email info@freeflowfoundation.org. We will help you through the process. We are also happy to provide this application in alternative formats.
About the Community Scholarship Fund
The Freeflow Foundation’s Community Scholarship Fund is supported by generous contributions from the Freeflow community. The CSF enables us to provide scholarships to people to whom Freeflow Institute programs are otherwise inaccessible. We also aim to provide general guidance and personalized support to those unfamiliar with outdoor education or backcountry travel.
We believe that all people should have an opportunity to build skills, grow connections, and experience creative freedom in wild places. Through our scholarship programs we aim to make the outdoor experiences of Freeflow Institute available to all, regardless of background or economic means. We acknowledge that individuals from marginalized groups face more barriers to access, and we are committed to fostering a sense of deep belonging in outdoor education, for all people.
While preference is given to applicants from marginalized, underrepresented, or low-income communities, EVERYONE is welcome to apply to the Community Scholarship Fund.